Monday, March 17, 2008

Mid Season - Euro Division

The Euro Division is neck and neck with the North in the race for the strongest division in the league. Paris and Scotland would be in the playoffs if they started today, while London and Ireland are just under .500. Paris has been strong from the start, with Scotland hot on their heels. London has only recently climbed out of the cellar, but still must make a quick decision over the next 2 weeks about their chances. Ireland continues to groom the young hitters, but the big bucks invested into a few select players has hurt their depth.

Paris is giving us a blast from the past, pouring on the offense to the tune of 5.9 runs/game. To absolutely no one's surprise, Adam Dunn (age 36) is having a monster year, while Ryne Robinson is challenging for league MVP honors with his .708 SLG. Six players (!!!) are slugging above .500. Scotland has (at least for this season) solved the offense problems, getting huge years out of Bristow, Johjima and Darin Ford. London is playing catch up, with Jim Russell leading an offense that is finally turning it on. Diego Clemente is having a tough year, barely OPSing over .800. Ireland is getting good years from rookie Al Murphy and vet CC Sabathia, but a short bullpen is killing the club.

Biggest Surprise: Darin Ford with a .600 SLG? FTH?

Biggest Disappointment: Oh look, Jered Weaver sucks....again. 6.51

Division MVP: Ryne Robinson (PAR) is probably league MVP for me right now.

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