Friday, January 18, 2008

Is Retirement Next?

Osaka (AP) During Wednesday nights game between the Osaka Ronin and the visiting Kyoto Bushido, centerfielder Andruw Jones was injured on a catch of a sinking line drive off the bat of slugger Chest Rockwell.
"I just twisted my knee at the last second," said an obviously distraught Jones. "Just another thing that went wrong this year."
The 39 year-old Jones, who signed for just over the minimum salary this offseason, has struggled at the plate this season, hitting just .193 with 2 HR and no stolen bases in 109 at-bats. That's quite a dropoff from 2016 with Savannah, where as a platoon player and defensive replacement Jones hit .267 with 15 HR and 21 stolen bases.
"I don't think I've lost bat speed at all," Jones continued. "I've think I've got something left in the tank. I don't have to prove anything. I just don't know if I want to bother with all of the rehab just to come back for next spring training and just be a pinch-hitter or emergency outfielder. It's been a good career if this is it."
The injury to Jones, an inflamed medial collateral ligament, is expected to keep him out for over 6 months. He was a member of the SLB champion Halifax Sailors in 2009 and SLB champion Savannah Sabers in 2015, a three-time All-Star and two-time division MVP.

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